• 2023年03月30日

    End of the year celebration 2023開催しました







    ★Art Showcase





    ★Spelling Bee



    How do you spell “marvelous”?


    Time is up!

    How do you spell marvelous?


    That’s correct!!!


    ★SDG’s Presantaions

    SDG’s について、テーマにそって、それぞれがプレゼンテーションをしました。



    Thank you everyone for attending the recital this year! The students tried really hard in each section.
    For the art section, the students studied “sketching” in class. That was the foundation of all of their wonderful art.
    We also did the spelling bee. It is a very common competition in other countries. I was very surprised on how well the students could remember the vocabulary words, they all did great!
    The last section was the SDG’s section. Recently, SDG’s are becoming a very popular topic all around the world. Every student was able to talk and discuss in class about the topic they were given. From their ideas, we created their presentation. They did great remembering what to say and expressing what they felt on the stage!
    Overall, the recital this year was great and I think the students did a fantastic job!



    This year’s recital was a big success. Thanks to everyone who worked hard to make this event possible. We were all glad to see teachers, students, parents and family members come together and enjoy this wonderful day. Students weren’t just able to present on stage but they were able to showcase their excellent level of English. From the spelling bee to the SDGs presentations and song, students performed at their highest level. We teachers are so proud of what they have achieved through this event. Students have shown that they got what it takes to face their fear and be on top. I’m sure that through this event students have gained confidence which is a big importance to their English learning. Overall, the recital was fantastic and everyone did a great job! Looking forward to the next one!



    Thank you for the fantastic performance, Everyone!!

    We are proud of you!